Radio show focuses on Liverpool

THE Liverpool Jewish community was featured heavily on BBC Radio Manchester’s weekly Jewish Hour on Monday.

Presenter Basil Herwald interviewed a number of studio guests on a range of topics including the development of the King David Schools, Princes Road Synagogue and the restoration of Deane Road Cemetery.

Guests were Alan Tinger, co-ordinator of the King David Campus Project, Michael Swerdlow, producer of a new film about Deane Road Cemetery, and communal archivist Arnold Lewis. They also outlined some of the community’s history and the personalities among its founder members.

When questioned on the negative effects of plans for closure of the communal facilities, the Liverpudlians insisted that “positive downsizing goes hand-in-hand with a community that strives for quality not quantity”.

In a telephone interview, recently appointed project manager Alaster Burman described the fascination of the Princes Road Synagogue and some of its exciting developments and restoration plans.